7 Places To Visit In Annecy, France

Annecy (population 90,000) is a small town in France. It is the second largest city and one of the most attractive places on earth. The town, with its grand buildings, cobblestone streets and green landscape along the banks of the fast-flowing River Isère, comes alive during summertime when it attracts visitors from all over Europe. Here are some impressive places to visit in Annecy:

Le Château de la Roche

One of the oldest castles ever built in France and also one of its best preserved, this castle comes with a series of attractions such as a museum that displays rare objects found at various sites around the area or a theater with antique furniture dating back to medieval times.

Le Musée de l’Évolution

It was founded in 1905 by Jean-Marc Boivin who was himself a biologist and a friend of Charles Darwin. The museum displays all kinds of fossils and also tells the story of life on earth.

Place de l’Ile

Standing at the center of the city and surrounded by many hotels, this square is one of the liveliest places in Annecy. The lake, which lies across the street from it, is one beautiful spot to visit in Annecy.

Le Petit Château and Le Grand Château

These two magnificent medieval castles have survived earthquakes, fires and wars for centuries now. They were once the homes of two powerful families and they were built in honor of the Sun King, Louis XIV.

Le Musée du Vieux Annecy

One of the most charming museums in France, this museum is dedicated to all things related to old Annecy and its history. The museum offers a collection of local paintings and photographs dating back to the early 20th century. Some of its most popular objects are ancient lamps, busts, musical instruments, dolls and jewelry.

Le Vieux Pont

Located on Île de la Barthelasse, this old stone bridge was originally built in 1360 but has been rebuilt several times since then. It is now a popular place for walking and cycling.

Centre Sportif des Pluriers

A modern sports center, this one was built in 1964 and was designed by Swiss architect Hans Hollein. It has a swimming pool and tennis courts that are open all year.

St Gervais :

Feast Day of St. Gervais, this church is a must see for those looking for the greatest Gothic monument in the city. This church dates back to the early Middle Ages and it has been renovated many times over the years but it continues to be an impressive monument today.

Le Musée de l’Ile

This museum offers an interesting collection of local prehistoric and historic objects and is also a popular spot for tourists who want to see Annecy from up close.

Le Moulin de la Galette

It is an old mill that has served as a restaurant and still serves as one today. The view not only offers a great view of the river but also some impressive artworks, including one by J.M.Guérin, which are displayed in the garden at this spot.

Annecy is one of the most lovely places to visit in France. It is also one of the oldest cities in Europe, having been inhabited for about 7,000 years now. Its historic centre, which has remained almost unchanged over the centuries and its surroundings make it a great place to visit, even today.